Welcome to the Blog of Joel Kuntz

Hello fellow bloggers and readers, and welcome to my EVIS 202 blog!  This blog is dedicated to our Weekly Art Practice project, a semester long project to have us document a certain topic or theme of our choosing.  Unfortunately, I had a lot of technical problems trying to get this project online, but I continued to document my pictures and make sure they related towards my project!  I hope you enjoy sifting through my photos and reading my posts about them!

A new venture in my Educational journey!

I’ve recently started this blog again, with a new project for another class.  My EVIS 202 class is doing an art project where we document some theme or idea through photo, and set it up here for viewing.  I’ll keep you posted about what theme I intend to do, just narrowing down my final decision!

Article on teachers in North America leaving positions


This article I came across through the Montreal Gazette website, and it covers the topic of the statistics of new teachers leaving their positions and fields of experience in search of other jobs, after only teaching for 5 or less years.  I thought it might be of some interest, either copy the link or click “Too many teachers are quitting, experts say” under my articles menu to find out more!

Article on Technology in the Classroom

Article on Technology in the Classroom

This article explains how the need to integrate technology into the classroom, and how the need for it is becoming more and more of a necessity in schools.  As we grow more and more dependent on technology, to keep our students more attentive in class, we have to use more Web2.0 tools, and Smart technology with IPads, that both we as teachers and the students as well will have learning curves and benefit greatly.  It also discusses the proposal to integrate online courses being the only courses by the year 2014, which could be beneficial, but it would also mean another giant learning curve for teachers in society.

As much as technology helps in our current society, it also seems to become more and more controlling of us.  We use it for some of the simplest tasks, and it almost feels like we are getting lost in the process.  That’s what I think about it anyways.  I’m all for using technology to teach, but I would never want it to take over my classroom completely.